Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Christopher Hove is double board certified in ear, nose, and throat medicine as well as facial plastic surgery for knowledge and experience of form and function.
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We offer the latest advances in diagnostics and hearing aids from a licensed audiologist.
READ MOREAudiology & Hearing Aids
Hearing loss can negatively affect your psychological and physical well-being and cause feelings of insecurity, frustration, anger, confusion, and isolation. Main Line Ear, Nose & Throat in Paoli, Pennsylvania offers comprehensive audiology and hearing aid services from a licensed audiologist, Dr. Michael McCandless.
For the diagnosis of hearing loss or tinnitus, as well as balance disorders and vertigo, Dr. McCandless can help. Our audiologist also provides expert witness testimony and case reviewing.
Hearing Loss Products and Treatments
Main Line ENT offers a large selection of the most advanced hearing aids, available in Paoli, PA, along with FREE hearing aid trials so you can test and fit the device that’s right for you.
There are a number of styles of hearing aids, such as behind the ear, in the ear, and in the canal. With the addition of new computer processors and “open style fittings,” today’s hearing instruments can achieve very high satisfaction rates among patients. Dr. McCandless will help find the perfect style for you based upon your hearing needs and your lifestyle.
Hearing aids provide a comfortable fit and excellent sound quality. They now are able to help most people follow conversation in the presence of background noise. There are also many wireless options available via Bluetooth technology.
Products we offer include:
- The Lyric® extended-wear hearing aid
- Assistive listening devices for TV, phone, and your home
- Custom ear plugs for swimmers, musicians, shooters, and sound protection
- Hearing protection
Services and treatments include:
- On-site hearing aid repair lab
- Tinnitus management, including the Neuromonics tinnitus treatment
- Complete audiometrics
- Tympanometry for middle ear fluid
- Video otoscopy for cerumen (wax) inspections
- Otoacoustic emissions (OAE)
- Acoustic reflexes and decay testing
- Videonystagmography (VNG) testing for dizziness and vertigo
- Treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
- Care for workers’ compensation injuries
- Care for hearing loss secondary to head trauma
For the comprehensive care of tinnitus and hearing loss, including a huge selection of the latest hearing aids in the Philadelphia metro, call Main Line ENT of Paoli, PA at (610) 647-1585. You can also request an appointment online.